Better In Choice And Homeopathic Medicines, What's the Difference?

Better In Choice
Having a medicine store proves to be profitable these days. The best part is that as a medical store owner, you can easily obtain the stocks of medicines from different parts of the world using internet. However, the decision should be taken among three popular sets of medicines - allopathic, ayurvedic and homeopathic medicine.

Ayurvedic and homeopathic medications are gaining popularity as alternative treatment approaches. Homeopathy in particular is attaining attention because of the long-term treatment approach it employs. As accountability towards medicine buyers is as important as profit making, you must learn the differences between the three groups of medicines.

Basic Principle

Allopathic medicines are not based on any particular philosophy or principle. Ayurveda, on the other hand, is a holistic approach that works to maintain the balance between body, mind and soul. As far as homeopathic medicine is concerned, it is based on the 'science of likes'. In other words, homeopathy follows the treatment approach by using substances that produce symptoms similar to the condition from which a patient is suffering.

Ingredients Used
Allopathy is based on the use of laboratory prepared chemicals that are often criticized for being harmful to the body. Ayurvedic medicines are based on herbs and plant products that are completely natural and don't produce any side-effect in usual. A homeopathic medicine is prepared by diluting active ingredients with water to an extent that not a single molecule of the ingredient remains active in the final preparation. The ingredients used in homeopathy may be chemical based or are obtained from plant and animal sources.

Approach of Diagnosis
Allopathic doctors examine the patients based on the current symptoms shown by them. More or less, ayurvedic doctors too follow a similar approach. However, a homeopathic medicine practitioner would look into the life history of the patients before recommending the medicines. Apart from the physical factors, the mental, emotional as well as spiritual factors are considered in this approach.

Treatment Approach
Allopathic medicines follow the suppressive approach to suppress the symptoms of the disease or condition. On the other hand, ayurvedic and homeopathic medicines follow the long-term treatment approach by eradicating the root cause of the problem. In other words, allopathic medicines are used in management of disease, while the other two sets of medicines cure the disease.

Dosage and Duration
Allopathic and ayurvedic medications are often given in large quantities. However, homeopathic medicine is given in small quantities, usually in the form of very small, round and sweet balls with solutions sprinkled on them. In the terms of duration of treatment, allopathic medications show the fastest results. Ayurvedic medicines may take little more time, but homeopathic medications usually follow a longer course of treatment.

Needless to say, allopathic medications are costly. Ayurvedic medications too are costly, considering their procedures of preparation. Compared to them, homeopathic medicine is quite cheaper and affordable by one and all.

For being safe, inexpensive and long-term relief provider, homeopathic medicine is what the patients around the world are switching to. You can definitely add to the profits of your medical store by selling these medicines that can be easily obtained using online catalogs.

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Encyclopedia About Psoriasis Skin Disorder

Encyclopedia About Psoriasis Skin Disorder
Changing the eating habits is an effective way to aid psoriasis skin disorder. Our body has billions of cells that work together in keeping the body healthy and safe from the bacterial attacks. What causes the psoriasis skin turmoil? The newly produced skin cells started to pile up on the surface of the skin because our body could not shed excess skin cells and as a result psoriasis skin disorder occurs. If you want to know what triggers psoriasis, then you must first understand how does the skin-cell cycle of a normal human body functions. They are also responsible to support the healthy structure and elasticity of the skin. When a person suffers from psoriasis skin disorder, his body starts to produce the new skin cells shorter than the normal period. Turmeric, garlic, broccoli, carrots and lettuce are also found very useful to combat and healing the psoriasis symptoms. Normally our body produces new skin cells within 25 to 30 days and they replace the older or dead cells. Psoriasis skin disorder could occur at any age. Treating the problem is very easy if it diagnoses early. Psoriasis is a chronic skin chaos which occurs due to abnormal growth of skin cells however; medical experts are still not succeeded in determining the exact cause of this skin problem. article

Do you want to know all about psoriasis? Increase the use of salmon as it has anti-inflammatory properties which are very useful in relieving the inflammation caused by psoriasis. There are many forms of psoriasis skin disorder, but plaque psoriasis is the most common form of it. Note: This article is only for the information purpose; information in this article should never be considered as the substitute of professional medial expert Nowadays, psoriasis has become a very common skin disorder worldwide. Although, psoriasis do not affect the internal process of our body but it negatively affect the self-esteem and disturbs the victim's quality of life. If you want so, then read on as this article covers all the important aspects of psoriasis skin disorder. However, people between the ages of sixteen to thirty have the higher chances of getting this skin problem. Plaque psoriasis affects elbow, knees, scalp and it causes itching on the affected area of the skin. Due to the lack of knowledge about psoriasis symptoms or delay in consulting the health practitioner, some of the people have to experience severe psoriasis symptoms.

Many Skilled OBGYN who sought

Many Skilled OBGYN who sought
Bring a list of questions or concerns with you to your consultation to ask the doctor. If you do not know anyone in the area who can make a recommendation, conduct your own search. And, in the future, remember what it was like to have to search for a new doctor. Or, the office may be willing to take you on as a self-pay patient. If you feel comfortable with the medical professional and payment arrangements have been made, you can confidentially schedule your next appointment with your OBGYN. It is far too important for that. If you are due for an appointment with an OBGYN, begin by asking your family members and friends which local medical professional that they visit. Then, narrow down your search by looking at the medical professionals' websites. Look in your phone book for local OBGYN professionals. If they adequately answer your questions and you feel comfortable with them, consider making them him or her your regular doctor. article

Scheduling regular visits to the OBGYN is of vital importance. Preventative health measures are a serious matter and finding a qualified medical professional is something that you should take care of right away. They should have a recommendation of someone you could visit. If they have a specific medical professional that they are happy with, be sure to investigate their credentials. Be sure to be thorough in your research. If a family member or friend asks you for a recommendation, be sure to share your experience with them as well Some women have specific medical issues that they require treatment for, while others simply need annual exams. If not, you will have to consider one of the other doctors that you met with. There, you can usually find testimonials from previous patients and a list of the doctor's credentials. Either way, you will want to make sure that a payment plan has been worked out in advance. You can usually do this by looking online. You shouldn't procrastinate when it comes to your health. After meeting with them, if you think you have found the right doctor for you, be sure to check with the OBGYN office to make sure that your insurance is accepted. After you have shortened your list of potential doctors, call the offices of your top choices to schedule a few consultations. You can also look for reviews from other patients on other websites.

Ease Through Childhood Asthma Chiropractor

Ease Through Childhood Asthma Chiropractor
As well, the nerve supply to your diaphragm comes from the mid neck. Your child could do with a freer diaphragm and your chiropractor can help. article

When your child has asthma, seeking chiropractic care may be one of the last things you'd consider as a way to ease their suffering. This is because our bodies are controlled by nerves and chiropractors work their best to eliminate the blockages that get in the way of these nerves working. Well many parents have gone on to see their child's health improve from seeing a Chiropractor. No! You need a certain mindset with your child's progress. Are there going to be restrictions there? One really important soft tissue area he will most likely examine is the diaphragm. 
Your child is sure to have developed a problem in this area as this is the foundation of the little one's spine and important to their overall health as well as their lung health. If you are a person who wants a quick fix with instant symptom relief you may have to be a little patient. In these modern times, you do have a choice between the drug approach and the natural alternative when it comes to caring for your child's asthma. Most likely. You know medications handle symptoms such as wheezing, but as a parent you worry about the side effects, especially in the long term. That is the muscular partition area just below your child's ribs (and yours too) which separates the chest from the stomach. 
Chiropractic is a truly natural procedure that is not just about treating the symptoms but rather digging deeper to find a cause within the persons own body. Another area your chiropractor will most likely find not working to its best is your child's pelvis. Are you thinking as you read this that Chiropractic is only for bad backs? Because the nerves from this part of the spine control and regulate the lungs. That's how asthma can develop. A chiropractor is focussed on spinal correction for your child and he will look at things such as leg length and do a procedure known as palpation. Why is that so common for asthmatics? If you want to devote your time to the lasting improvement of your child's health then chiropractic adjustments may just be one of the best decisions you can make This is where he feels for changed areas in the soft tissue around spinal sections. One last thought is this. When these are out of alignment, the lungs are stressed and don't work properly. Does that mean your child is going to have his or her neck snapped? The modern approach is very gentle, safe and effective. In asthmatics, the common areas are in the middle part of the ribcage, known as the thoracic spine. Easing asthma with gentle chiropractic corrections:

Alright, so you have an understanding of what your chiropractor knows but what does your chiropractor look for, in practical terms, when he sees your child?

Everything Info about Scalp Acne

Everything Info about Scalp Acne
Best treatment. This can change the natural color of your hair and can cause other problems if used regularly. A word of warning, using these products will result in really dry skin. Tips on what not to use. These are usually small and a little crusty, they may become sore after a while. In its mildest form, the pustules are small, crusty and they get very sore. The difference is that the papules are bigger, black in color and are usually inflamed. Book a consultation with a dermatologist or consult your local doctor first Do not use any hair care product that has benzoyl peroxide in it. Acne necrotixa miliaris is a more severe kind of scalp acne. If it is in the scalp we call it dandruff. African-American men may be affected by the most severe form of scalp acne, however it is not limited to those people and can affect almost everybody. article

The mildest form of scalp acne is known as scalp folliculitus, it is more common than you would expect. Stress has been known to trigger this type of acne. It is a good idea to stay away from hair styling products that contain oil which will irritate your scalp, thus aggravating the acne. Seborrhea is a common skin problem, symptoms include red itchy rash as well as white scales. The best way to treat the mild form of scalp acne is by using salicyclic acid to clean the area that is affected. If you have scalp acne you will have a very itchy head, wanting to scratch it all the time. There are many hair care products designed to take care of dandruff. Another drawback is that this type can leave scars which are similar to those left behind after chicken pox. A second reason that it would occur is if the scalp becomes oily because of not washing it regularly enough. There may be a few pustules present on the upper forehead at the hairline. However this is an extremely rare condition and consists of large cysts with small pustules plus papules, these can grow larger. Should you have the more severe form of scalp acne, do not attempt to do anything with it by yourself. Remember that oily hair contributes to scalp acne, I recommend that you use shampoo that is a good fit for oily hair and scalp. Be careful to only apply it only to the area where you find the pustules, a good idea is to get someone to help you with the application. They appear mainly on the upper forehead at the hairline.

Alternative Care for Autism

Alternative Care for Autism
These may manifest as behavioral issues as well as musculoskeletal signs and symptoms. Diet plays a huge role in health and is particularly important in individuals with autism due to the gut's role. Chiropractors will evaluate posture, ranges or motion, tightness/tenderness in muscles and/or joints, spinal alignment and overall function. The message of chiropractic is that the body has a remarkable ability to self-heal and repair. That being said, there is significant anecdotal support for non-conventional care with parents reporting improvements in behavioral issues such as tantrums, outbursts, repetitive actions and sleep, for example. The body innately knows what to do to heal a scratched finger, to mend a broken bone, to fight off infection... 
There is also some preliminary research demonstrating benefits in behavioral problems as well as attenuation of sensorimotor issues among autistic individuals following chiropractic care. Families of autistic children may also benefit from chiropractic care as a means of relieving pain as well as stress. This means reduce or eliminate refined sugars, fast foods, preservatives and artificial colors/sweeteners/flavors. Also, chiropractors recognize that what you put in your body really does matter. Avoiding foods that one is sensitive to may improve overall digestion and reduce inflammation. If allergy testing isn't feasible, one can try avoiding foods that are commonly problematic - for example: wheat, dairy, corn and soy. Phase things in and out so that the change is more gradual and then try to maintain the diet for at least a month to determine if there is improvement. 
Chemical factors are anything that is eaten or breathed in. Chiropractic care is hands on, gentle and effective at addressing physical concerns. Instead, they seek to maximize one's inherent healing abilities by addressing physical, chemical and emotional stressors that influence overall well-being. Whatever you eat, do and think makes a difference in your overall health. Chiropractors play an important part of the team approach to care along with conventional therapies. Unfortunately there is limited high quality research into alternative methods for autistic individuals in general. For the record, chiropractors do not diagnose or claim to cure autism. By looking at the big picture of one's health, overall health and well-being can be maximized. Or if a child can finally sleep through the night when under chiropractic care, it's worth it. Whatever you do, don't make immediate, drastic changes as this can be both upsetting and challenging. Food allergy/sensitivity testing may also be beneficial. The power that made the body is the power that heals the body. Children with autism are more prone to anxiety disorders, feelings of anger and difficulty in adapting to change. For the family, challenges in raising a child with autism commonly results in emotional stress as well as strain on family finances. Even if a child goes from 20 tantrums per day to five, it's worth it. Traumas can result in pain, irritability and outbursts in those with autism, which affects quality of life. 
Chiropractic adjustments to misaligned or hypomobile vertebrae puts the body into better balance physically and neurologically such that the body can do what it's supposed to do at its best. A trial of chiropractic care may make all the difference It's truly amazing when you think of it! As in any individual, physical factors play a role in well-being. Stress can present as aches, pains and headaches as a result of tense muscles and joints. Emotional factors play a role both in the autistic individual as well as the household. Home-cooked meals are best and should include whole foods, vegetables and healthy fats. article

Chiropractic care as a complementary and alternative strategy for care for individuals with autism. Chiropractic itself doesn't directly heal you, but it mediates the process by allowing the nervous system to communicate more freely. Dietary suggestions for those with autism include probiotic support and a generally clean, healthy diet. Physical, chemical and emotional stressors are all inter-related.

10 Ways to Keep Your Skin Healthy and Glowing

10 Ways to Keep Your Skin Healthy and Glowing
The beauty, as they say, is only a matter of skin but healthy skin is not just about beauty. Here are 10 ways to keep your skin healthy and glowing.1. Avoid long showers in boiling water
Instead, take shorter and cooler showers. The long showers dry the skin and deprive it of its protective oils. So, do not exceed 10 minutes with lukewarm water.

2. Put some aloe vera gel
Every day spread a little aloe vera gel on your dry skin areas. Acids of aloe vera attack dead skin cells and accelerate the healing process. Get a product ready for use or cut the tip of an aloe leaf and split it to take the gel and spread it on dry areas.

3. Put garlic in any dish
In 1996, a Danish study has shown that skin cells culture treated with garlic had a seven times longer lifetime than those who had not undergone this treatment. They also had a more youthful and healthier than others. In addition, garlic extracts strongly inhibit the growth of cancerous skin cells.

4. Drink lots of orange juice
Orange juice is rich source of vitamin C, essential to the manufacture of collagen, which helps keep skin soft and fresh. Guava, kiwi and red pepper are also good sources of vitamin C.

5. A scrub day
Rub with a loofah to get rid of dandruff and other hair of dead skin. Under your shower, rub in small circles on the irregularities and the scales of skin to remove dead cells.

6. Take a multivitamin
Several nutrients are vital for healthy skin, including vitamins A, B and C. To get its dose, the safest way is to eat healthily, and take vitamin supplements.

7. Hands off!
Your hands touch many things, and these are real collectors of dust and germs. By rubbing your eyes, by scratching cheek or by supporting your chin, your hands contaminate your face.

8. Change your moisturizer depending on the season
Each season has its moisturizer. When you pull out your winter coat, take a powerful moisturizer, and when you put a t-shirt, use a lighter moisturizer.

9. Avoid excess oil
Mattify the skin of your face by powdering it to remove excess oil. Do not use the compacted powder, as it already contains oil.

10. Choose your products carefully
In cosmetics, keep it simple, especially if you have sensitive skin. Avoid products containing the dye and fragrance, and those which are labelled "antibacterial".

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Keeping Heart Healthy For Always

Keeping Heart Healthy For Always
1. Breathing. Breathe deeply, slowly and regularly and do not hurry up, will keep the oxygen deficiency and hypertension that keep the heart healthier.
2. Sleep. Regular sleep is not excessive and no less.
3. Walk. frequently on foot, to accelerate blood circulation and makes the heart stable.
4. Fruits. Eating fruits will be our heart healthy.
5. Vegetables. Often eat vegetables.
6. White Water. Increase the consumption of water as it can accelerate the performance metabolism of the body.
7. Smile. A smile makes people happy and calm, and ultimately will make the whole exercise to be healthy.

So easy tips to keep our heart

Tricks and How a Healthy Diet

Tricks and How a Healthy Diet
There are many ways you can do a diet to lose weight. However, you should also remember that sometimes how diet is not good for your physical body and remember everyone has the ability and endurance levels are different. At least, let us learn together one of the best diet to lose weight that is too fertile.

Healthy Diet Menus at least 3 of the 4 types / categories of the following foods must be consumed at each meal: 
1. Bread, Cereal and Grain 
2. Fruits and Vegetables 
3. Low-fat and soy milk 
4. Low Fat Meat, Fish and Beans Carbohydrates such as bread, cereals and grains are the foundation of every food and protein intake as a complement. From now start to love the natural foods like fruits and vegetables and less processed food habits, because it is usually lower the amount of fiber (not filling) the Right Diet Program Diet Program Running is a challenge, but basically the most important thing in this technique is to keep working and exercising regularly so you'll stay fit throughout the day.
Tricks and How a Healthy Diet
With exercise or workout is the best way right and natural to use the extra calories will still burn calories even though exercise has been completed. The other diet programs that can be followed is to peek at how diet or a superstar artist because they usually have a diet program that crazy.

Find out why they still look so fit and healthy. However the plan may not impose a diet on yourself, but should be enjoyed. Remember! started is the hardest step but it is key to the success of the diet program that has been planned.

Healthy Diet Tips 

1. Avoid Reduce Fat and Carbohydrates in the program still need to lose weight but better intake minus 
2. Reduce Calories Calories in liquid form may increase and cause weight gain rapidly. Reduce the habit of consuming high-calorie beverages such as soft drinks or soda, coffee and alcohol. Better to consume water / mineral at least 8 glasses of water per day for the smooth diet program. 
3. Eating Disorders (3 times a day) with regular eating 3 times a day, of course, small meals is the most optimal diet program. Do not reduce the frequency of meals, as this will only slow down your metabolism can even lead to stomach ulcers. 
4. Last meal: Eat 3 hours before bedtime approaching hour of sleep will cause the food is too late to be converted into energy by the body. As a result of fat accumulation will increase, if hungry, it's better to consume non-fat milk or low-calorie food nutrition. 
5. Exercise Regular exercise, as already discussed above is an integral element in carrying out diet tips. With the automatic exercise regularly burn more fat than it did many health benefits that can be gleaned from the sport. The best time is early morning, because at that time the stomach is empty and of course the combustion will be faster to take the remaining fats. 
6. Avoid escalators Closely related to point 5, no matter how small my friend will be very useful activity in the run propram diet. 
7. Simply break a good resting time is 6-8 hours a day, use this time as well as possible to keep the body fit and healthy.

Tips to Avoid Your Hair Loss

Tips to Avoid Your Hair Loss
Be careful to not dye your hair too often. Meditation calms you mentally and physically, and it relaxes the mind and the muscles. article
Tips to Avoid Your Hair Loss
Make sure your hair is clean before you go to sleep. It is possible to implant hair follicles on to the head and then they will take root there. Rinse out any type of hair product, such as hairspray or gel. Hopefully, after apply the advice found in the article above, you will feel better and improve your hair loss situation. While stress can help lead to hair loss, meditation can help take care of stress and dissolve it. These chemicals then cause problems for the newly developing hair. The results might be excessive hair loss. 
Tips to Avoid Your Hair Loss
Massaging your scalp will help the blood and nutrients circulate in your scalp. See how this affects your daily life. If you insist on using hair dye, you may want to try a temporary one. For best results, check the shampoo aisle at your favorite health food store instead. If you suffer from extreme hair loss and it really bothers you, there is one option that is a bit more drastic. Leaving these products in while you are sleeping will harm your hair, and can lead to hair loss. If you are losing your hair, a little self confidence can go a long way. Remember that you're still beautiful, regardless of how much hair is on your head. If your hair is long, try to smooth out any knots before bed. Just rub your head with your fingers in a slow circular motion. 
These products, when left in your hair, can get into your pores. Massage your scalp. Don't lose heart Even completely bald is very "in" these days. While it is true, almost no one wants to loss their hair, it is becoming more and more common. It causes an opposite reaction to that of stress. It can also make new hair growing in thin and brittle. When it gets warm and tingly it means the blood is flowing. These chemicals can dry up the hair, and deplete it of much needed vitamins. This is a good procedure, but it is a bit expensive. Man made shampoos contain harsh chemicals, such as parabens. This helps with preventing hair loss and helps hair grow back. Consider a natural, herbal based shampoo, instead of man made shampoos. The chemicals in hair dye, specifically ammonia, can dry and make your hair fall out. If you use any type of sticky product, such as gel or wax in your hair, you should wash it out every night before going to bed if you want to prevent hair loss. Try meditating and having a devotion time daily in the morning when you wake up. Feeling good about yourself will make your hair loss easier to manage, and help you to get on with your every day life.

Disposable Gloves

Disposable Gloves
The gloves are available in four different sizes such as small, medium, large and extra large. They are also available in one size that fits all. These gloves provide good protection from blood borne pathogens and other types of biohazards. 
Latex gloves possess many good characteristics like strength, protection against infections and dexterity. Nowadays, disposable gloves are used for industrial, commercial, fashion and medical purposes. They also offer excellent tear and puncture resistance. These gloves are quite expensive and so they are not widely used for various applications. After usage, you must take care to dispose them properly They are available in all stores. Non-sterile gloves are widely used by barbers, beauticians, tattoo artists etc. They are quite inexpensive when compared to latex and nitrile disposable gloves. So, they are most commonly used by cleaning staffs and mechanics. For choosing the right disposable gloves for your application, you have to identify the most common types of protection wear and the materials used for manufacturing them. It is very much easy to purchase disposable gloves. You can also order these products online. These are considered as the most common disposable gloves. They are quite useful for people working in various types of industries. 
Those people who are engaged in cooking and cleaning usually wear this protection gear. Vinyl gloves are another important type of disposable wear. Latex gloves are commonly used by people in the medical field. These gloves are not used in food or medical industries. Usage of gloves will help us to avoid such skin irritations. Various health care professionals such as physicians, nurses, surgeons, dentists and emergency medical technicians use latex gloves while working with patients. Vinyl gloves are widely used in the food industry. Such chemicals may irritate their skin. Nitrile gloves offer good sensitivity, dexterity and excellent resistance to chemicals. These are made from Polyvinyl Chloride Plastisol. Main materials used for manufacturing the disposable wear are nitrile, vinyl and latex. Certain types of disposable gloves cause some allergic reactions in some people. These products are mainly used in health care settings like clinics, hospitals and doctor's offices. article

Disposable gloves are used for a variety of purposes. While cleaning commercial or residential buildings, people come into contact with lot of chemicals in the cleaning products. So, while choosing disposable gloves, you must clearly understand the material used in the product. They can be purchased in different sizes. These gloves are designed for one-time use only.

Prevention of Cervical Cancer

Prevention of Cervical Cancer
Ways to Prevent Cervical Cancer
Many ways, for example, not too frequent washing the vagina with an antiseptic, especially without any indication and doctor's advice. Do not also sprinkled talc in the vagina. It could also be a low-fat diet. Wow! Fear is immediately pictured when I heard the word cancer of the uterus. We know this malignant disease was ranked as the carrier for death. But, do not worry if you've been doing since the beginning of prevention. Because of it, according to dr. Nasdaldy, SpOG,, prevention becomes the most important part of the risk of cancer. "The way to prevent exposure to substances that cause the risk of these cancers," he said. What happened here on the contrary, many women are reluctant to see her gynecologist, despite already having a variety of complaints. In fact, if left unchecked will further mengganas cancer! So, we follow some tips to prevent cervical cancer yan g presented an expert in obstetrics and gynecology of Darmais Cancer Hospital, Jakarta.

1. Avoid Cigarettes

This is the most important reminder for women smokers. Unless the cause of disease in the lungs and heart, the content of nicotine in cigarettes can cause cervical cancer (cervical), you know. "Nicotine, right, makes all the mucous membranes of the body's cells react or become aroused, either in the throat mucosa, lung, cervix too." Unfortunately not known exactly how much the amount of nicotine consumed which can cause cervical cancer. But why take the risk, better leave right away cigarettes if we want to be free of cancer.


Often, right, we do wash the vagina with antiseptic drugs given. The reason is different, whether for "cosmetic" or health. In fact, the habit of washing the vagina can cause cervical cancer, both drugs antiseptic vaginal wash and deodorant. "Douching or washing the vagina cause irritation of the cervix. Well, excessive irritation and too often will stimulate the cell changes, which eventually become cancerous." Thus, we recommend washing the vagina with the chemicals is not done routinely. "Except when indicated, for example, an infection that does need cleaning with chemicals.
That was supposed to be on the advice of a doctor. "That means we do not carelessly buy drugs vaginal washing." What's more, these cleaners will generally kill the germs. Including bacteria in the vagina Basillus doderlain which produces lactic acid to maintain the pH of the vagina. "We know, when pH balanced baseball again in the vagina, then other bacteria, such as fungi and bacteria, may have a chance to live in that place. It's not you, can actually cause other diseases.

3. Sprinkle TALK

That often occur again, when the vaginal area itchy or red-red, we scattered in the surrounding talk. Dear, it's dangerous. The use of talc in the vagina of women of childbearing age can trigger occurs ovarian cancer (ovarian). "Because the child-bearing age means frequent ovulation. And b! Isa confirmed when ovulation occurs in ovarian injury. Well, if the incoming particles will stick to talk over the wound. As a result, right, can stimulate the wound to be changing the nature of cancer." Because it is not advisable to give talk in the vaginal area. Because it was feared the powder is absorbed into the talk.
Long will be piled up and settles into a foreign matter that could lead to stimulation of the cells to become cancerous.


Important note, the incidence of cancer was closely related to one's diet. Women who consume lots of fat will be far greater risk of developing endometrial cancer (uterine body). "Because the fat produces the hormone estrogen. While the endometrium is exposed to the hormone estrogen often volatile nature of a cancer." So, bright Nasdaldy, to help prevent endometrial cancer, should avoid eating high fat foods. "Eat healthy and fresh. Do not forget to maintain ideal body weight so as not to be too fat." Not surprisingly, when the endometrial cancer patients is widely available in major cities of developed countries. Therefore, they generally adhere to a diet high in fat.


Lifestyle also consume foods high in fat would make people forget about other nutrients, such as beta carotene, vitamin C, and folic acid. In fact, all three nutrient deficiencies can cause cervical cancer arise. "Beta carotene, vi! Tamin C, and folic acid can improve or strengthen the mucosal diserviks. Well, if the lack of nutrients that would facilitate the stimulation of mucosal cells into cancer earlier."
There are lots of beta carotene in carrots, vitamin C found in orange fruits, whereas folic acid found in seafood.


Sexual intercourse should ideally be done after a woman is completely cooked. The size of maturity is not only seen it already menstruating or not, lo. But it also depends on the maturity of mucosal cells; diselaput skin contained inside the body cavity. Generally, new mucosal cells mature after the woman aged 20 years and over. So, a woman having sex in adolescence; most vulnerable when it's done under the age of 16.
This relates to the maturity of mucosal cells in the cervix of the woman. "At a young age, the mucosal cells of the cervix is ​​not yet mature. That is, it is still susceptible to stimuli that are not ready to receive stimuli from the outside. Include chemicals that carry sperm." Another thing to do at the time when sex was above the age of 20 years, in which the mucosal cells no longer so susceptible to change. Well, because it is still vulnerable, mucosal cells can turn into cancer properties. "The nature of the cell, right, is always changing every moment; die and grow again. Because no stimulation, the cells could grow more than the dead cells, so the change is not balanced anymore. Advantage of these cells could eventually change the nature of a cancer cell."

7. Multiple partners

Cervical cancer can also appear in women who have multiple sex partners. "When you have sex only with their partner, and her partner did not have sex with someone else, then it will not lead to cervical cancer." If multiple partners, it is associated with the possibility of contracting venereal disease, one of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). "This virus will transform cells in the mucosal surface to split into more. Well, when too much and not according to need, it will become cancerous."


In contrast women who marry late or not even be at risk of developing ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer. Therefore, the class of women will ovulate continuously without pause. "So, stimulation of the endometrium was persistent. Result could make the cells in the endometrium so changed the nature of cancer."

The same risk would be faced by married women who do not want to have children. Because he was going to ovulate constantly. "When the first period occurred under the age of 12, the exposure means ovulation will become longer. Thus, the possibility of ovarian terkenakanker will be even greater."
Well, one of the prevention efforts of the married and pregnant. Or it could be done by taking birth control pills.
Because the use of birth control pills will narrow the chances of ovulation. "When the age of 15 years to 45 years he continued ovulation, then 10 years he was the family planning program, the ovulation period is shorter than continuous, right?" The results showed the use of birth control pills as contraceptives may decrease the incidence of ovarian cancer by 50 percent.


The same risk would occur in women with late menopause. "Since the stimulation of the endometrium will be longer, so it will be more frequently exposed endometriumnya estrogen. So, it's possible cervical cancer." No wonder that women who use estrogen are very susceptible to uncontrolled cancer. "Generally, women who had menopause in developed countries using estrogen to prevent osteroporosis and heart attacks." However, its use is very risky because estrogen stimulates the endometrium thickened wall and stimulate cells of the endometrium so that the transformed nature into cancer. "So, you should use estrogen for the supervision of a doctor should also be given to substances antinya well, so it does not develop into cancer."
Well, it turns out that many things can be done so as not to "invite" the cancer came into our bodies. Of course we can start from small things. Do not wait until tomorrow!

Cancer Research

Cancer Research
Cancer research is the intense scientific effort to understand disease processes and discover possible therapies. The improved understanding of molecular biology and cellular biology due to cancer research has led to a number of new, effective treatments for cancer since President Nixon declared "War on Cancer" in 1971.

Since 1971 the United States has invested over $200 billion on cancer research; that total includes money invested by public and private sectors and foundations.

Despite this substantial investment, the country has seen a five percent decrease in the cancer death rate (adjusting for size and age of the population) between 1950 and 2005.

Leading cancer research organizations and projects include the American Association for Cancer Research, the American Cancer Society (ACS), the American Society of Clinical Oncology, the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer, the National Cancer Institute, the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, and The Cancer Genome Atlas project at the NCI.

We Prevent Cancer Strikes

We Prevent Cancer Strikes
General prevention in dealing with cancer is to get used to living well, and stay away from the goods or foods that contain hazardous materials. Always simple and healthy life is the best cancer prevention.

Prevention of cancer is a common way of reducing exposure to carcinogenic materials, such as not smoking, avoiding foods high in fat, high-fiber foods such as vegetables and fruits, Akif physical life, striving for the ideal body weight, and live a healthy pattern. Prevention can also be done by screening or screening of the possibility of getting cancer. Cancer screening tests was to determine the possibility of cancer that can reduce the number of deaths due to cancer if the cancer is found at a very early stage, where the cancer has not spread further, the cancer usually can be treated and provide optimal results.

Mental therapy

Some things to do in terms of mental therapy for patients with cancer are:

     manage stress
     Aware of the stress
     Moral support in cancer patients
     Stay active and have fun
     Empathize (mamahami mental burden experienced by cancer patients to support recovery)
     Optimistic in the conduct of life
     Dispose of revenge and hatred
     Prayer therapy (closer hello to God)

Existing types of Cancer

Existing types of Cancer
Cancer is one of the world's deadliest diseases, besides cancer is a disease that many feared by humans. you need to know how cancer works and attack humans.

Range of kinds of cancer have the potential to affect every organ in the body. Cells in malignant tumors have the ability to invade tissues and organs, so it will be more vulnerable to the spread of disease. It is also possible for a range of kinds of cancer to rid themselves of the tumor and enter the bloodstream, in turn spread the disease to other organs. Deployment process is called metastasis.
Range of kinds of cancer depends on the distribution
Existing types of Cancer
Various kinds of cancer depends on its spread. If the cancer has metastasized and has affected other areas of the body, the disease is still referring to the organ. For example, if cervical cancer spreads to the lungs, is called cervical cancer, not lung cancer. Examples of other kinds of kinds of cancer is a blood cancer. Cells in the bone marrow that give rise to red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets can sometimes become cancerous. This cancer called leukemia or lymphoma.
Bone cancer

Bone cancer is a relatively rare species in a variety of common cancers, which can affect both children and adults, but mainly affect the age of children and adolescents. There are several types of bone cancer, but the most common types are osteosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma.
Brain cancer

Brain cancer: brain tumors can be malignant (cancerous) or benign (non-cancerous). They affect both children and adults. Malignant brain tumors are not often spread outside the brain. However, other types of cancer have the ability to spread to the brain. This type of brain cancer include:

    Adult Brain Tumor
    Brain stem glioma
    Cerebellar astrocytoma
    Cerebral glioma astrocytoma / malignant
    Supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumors and Pineoblastoma
    Visual pathway and hypothalamic glioma

Breast cancer

Various kinds of cancer that strikes mainly women and is very common in developed countries is breast cancer. This type of breast cancer include ductal carcinoma in situ, lobular carcinoma in situ, inflammatory breast cancer, Paget's disease of the nipple, invasive breast cancers
Gastrointestinal cancer

Gastrointestinal cancer is a broad category of cancer, affecting everything from the esophagus to the anus. Each type specific and has its own symptoms, causes, and treatments. Range of kinds of other common cancers are cancers Endokrinm janker eye, bladder cancer, and so forth.

Benefits of Garlic

Benefits of Garlic
GARLIC Garlic is one basic spice dish peneman onion. In addition to improving the quality of flavor, garlic has properties to cure some diseases.

The aroma of garlic is pungent and may not be preferred. But garlic has a powerful healing effect. These plants can be a concoction of drugs to fight disease and heal skin problems.

Here are the benefits of garlic in a healing effect, as reported by Boldsky, Monday (26/03/2012).

Detoxification with garlic juice

Oops, do not frown in advance! Garlic juice sounds scary for those who have never tried and get the benefits. But, garlic juice has several health benefits because it can remove toxins from the body through the pores of the skin.

Maintain a healthy heart

Garlic is good for heart patients. Sulfides in garlic reduce levels of LDL cholesterol to prevent cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks or blockages.

Provide benefits for diabetics

If you are diabetic, good to eat a few cloves of garlic in daily diet. Garlic is beneficial to your health by increasing levels of insulin in the bloodstream.

Contains Allicin, the protector of the infection

Allicin in garlic is an anti-fungal compounds that protect the body from infection and increase antibody.

Maintain healthy ears

If you have an infection or pain in the ear, garlic can help you. Put two to three drops of warm garlic oil extract. Antioxidants in garlic kills bacteria and remove impurities in it.

Are there could Durability Easy Recipes From Food?

Are there could Durability Easy Recipes From Food?
Certain types of food can make us stay young, of the type of food should be sustainable and should not be consumed excessively. some food from the article is written in RealBuzz.

Green tea
Super drink this one was not going to run out the benefits. Green tea has many benefits that make it tops the list of foods that keep you young. Hijauh tea could help blood pressure is believed to be a regular, lower blood sugar levels, boost the immune system, lowers cholesterol and some studies even showed that green tea is effective in preventing cancer. That's like the most efficacious drug that you can get.

Eating spinach is not going to turn you into Popeye, but the vegetables were very good to boost immunity from disease. Spinach and other green leafy vegetables like kale (a type of cabbage) and mustard greens contain folate is vital to prevent damage to DNA and blood vessels. If you can maintain the health of the blood circulation system, you reduce your risk of diseases such as high blood pressure, chronic diabetes, kidney disease and madness.

Dark chocolate
Who would have thought of this sweet food in the list of foods that can make the young? The good news, chocolate can help fight the signs of aging because the content of cocoa. Cocoa is rich in antioxidants called flavonoids which help keep the blood vessel function in order to stay healthy.

A healthy circulatory system reduces the risk of high blood pressure, chronic diabetes, kidney disease and madness. Do not eat too much. A piece of chocolate a day to maintain good health and make sure you eat a cocoa content of more than 70 percent.

Soy products
Such as fish, soy products like tofu are also a source of excellent protein alternative in addition to meat or dairy, because it has little saturated fat content or even none at all. Foods that are low in saturated fat will reduce your risk of heart attack and lowering blood pressure. Very good soy products help lower cholesterol and a useful addition to a healthy diet.

View of the proliferation of bad news this creature, you may assume that all forms of bacteria will damage your health. Fortunately, it is far from true. "Good" bacteria are very good for keeping your immune system, by increasing the antibody and prevent pathogenic organisms such as Salmonella and E. coli.

Many yogurt products contain a lot of good bacteria that help maintain intestinal health and reduces the risk of bowel disease associated with age. Yogurt is also rich in calcium, which can help prevent osteoporosis.

Red wine
One glass of red wine increases levels of both elements antiaging antioxidants, including polyphenols, minerals, and resveratrol (a polyphenolic compound found in plants and used in the medical field).

Resveratrol helps increase levels of good cholesterol in the body and prevents blood clots and keeping the circulatory system stay healthy. Resveratrol contained in red wine is also beneficial for women during menopause to reduce the risk of diseases like breast cancer and osteoporosis due to estrogen level berkuranganya.

Like chocolate, do not eat too much red wine. We recommend taking one glass of red wine every day.

Few people - active or not - who consume enough water, but just a little dehydrated can cause side effects such as headaches, fatigue, and low concentration levels.

Increasing fluid intake can increase energy levels, helps digestion, healthy skin and makes you young. Make sure you consume the water in small amounts but often every day, make sure you are extra vigilant after a workout or after you are in a dry environment, so the heat or air-conditioned environment.

Blood and Heart Risk

Blood and Heart Risk
What happens if the blood type turned out to have a close relationship with a particular disease. For example, if you know your blood then you can minimize diseases that could easily attack you. Person's blood type turned out to help determine the risk of heart disease.

Recent research from Harvard University concluded that people with blood type AB, not only a person with the most rare blood type, but also most vulnerable to the risk of heart disease.

The findings in the journal Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology is also claimed that people with blood group O had the lowest risk of one of these deadly diseases.

"If you know you are at high risk, then reduce the risk by adopting a healthy lifestyle, like eating right, exercising and not smoking," explains researcher Professor Lu Qi, quoted by Dailymail (14/8).

According to researchers, the blood group AB had to do with inflammation, which causes damage to the arteries. While people with blood type O have a natural substance that supposedly helps the blood flow and reduce clotting.

Preventing and Overcoming Allergies with Traditional Ways

Preventing and Overcoming Allergies with Traditional Ways
 By: Prof. H. M. Hembing Wijayakusuma

In everyday life we ​​often hear, or even may have experienced the onset of the spots or skin bentolan gatalserta scattered over the surface of the body, while setelahmengkonsumsi a type of food. Complaints or representations as itumerupakan one of the many manifestations of allergic disease yangsering encountered.

Our body has an amazing series of defense mechanisms.
This mechanism is designed to maintain our health. One such mechanism is known as the immune system / immune. Briefly the work of the immune system is when a foreign material such as bacteria or viruses enter the body, the body's tissues will identify specific proteins from foreign attackers and create an antidote (a substance) that will only eradicate the special protein was. Bidder for the defense chemicals produced by our bodies are called antibodies. While the foreign protein to be attacked and dilumpuhkannya called antigens.

Defense system was ingenious and successful. The downside is that the body must meet two foreign proteins (antigens) before the system can produce defenses against (antibodies). In other words, we should be attacked first before we can fight. For example, if the body exposed to the measles virus would not be so problematic, but the problem will become complicated / serious if the body is dealing with serious illnesses such as smallpox or diphtheria. Basically, they are safe from such dangerous infections due to immune system / defense of those who work quickly and begin to produce antibodies in no time. So, if the reaction of the body more slowly, those who are infected will be less fortunate.

Dust, pollen, molds, foods and ingredients that basically no harm can act as an antigen in certain people.
These materials enter the body through the lungs or gastrointestinal tract and then breaks into the network, that is where they stimulate formation of antibodies. As a result of the meeting of antigen and antibodies that destroy the tissue in question and cause symptoms / complaints of allergies.

Not all people who develop allergies cause complaints if the amount of antigen is less than the threshold dose. Unless the dose is exceeded, then the body will manifest / allergy symptoms. This antigen may be a number of pollen that the wind is enough to make a cold allergy, to eat several servings of food for several days in a row before symptoms develop. Patients may not be cured by avoiding a material when there is some allergic factor. If someone is allergic to several ingredients at once, whereas only one type of abstinence and still eat the other, of course, will not heal.
Everyone can recognize a food allergy reaction when sudden
rapid and severe as the patient experienced a serious rash every time-consuming material. But, if the allergy is caused daily diet or occur several times a week, the body becomes accustomed to suffering from food and a faint reaction.
Actually, for years or decades illness seemed to disappear, perhaps only occasional relapses when the accident takes too much antigen or the presence of triggering factors such as stress which indirectly lowers the body resistance. Because symptoms are rare reactions occur, then the patient is difficult to determine the cause.
Due to decreased immunity, the body no longer
can overcome the disease process and symptoms of the disease arises.
Form of the disease arising from one person to another person
not the same, depending on which body part is more severely affected.

Certainly a manifestation of an allergic reaction to a person
overall. Symptoms will depend on the function of these organs is
can be stimulated or depressed. An eye allergy attack will
cause redness and itching; if attacked would a cold or nasal
sneezing; when it attacks the lungs will cause asthma or
cough; if attacking the gastrointestinal tract causing abdominal pain,
bloating, diarrhea or vomiting; attack the joints can
causing pain and stiffness, if the infected head can cause
headache, if it affects the skin causing eczema,
bentol-bentol/gatal-gatal, and so forth.
Allergies can occur at any age in both those who have
allergic and non-talent / nonalergik. In children the most often
found that asthma bronkiale. While the most common allergens
affects children, namely pollen, house dust, animal dander, saliva
animals, and food.

Prevention tips and avoid the allergens:

Always keep a healthy body and environment.

Move the nest of dust like knick-knacks, books, wall hangings, and

If you are allergic to animal dander, do not let the hairy beast
came into the room.

Avoid using fabric made of wool or of fine material.

Avoid plants or aquarium that causes mold spores in the air.

Use electric air cleaner to remove dust, mold or
pollen from the air.

Replace carpets or heavy curtains that capture and store the dust
with washable curtains and rugs of cotton.

If you are allergic to certain foods, avoid foods
cause of the allergen.

The traditional way that can be used to fight allergies are:

15 grams of ginger + 30 cc of white rice vinegar / sugar + rice venegar
sufficiently boiled with 400 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc, water
filtered, drunk. Do it regularly once a day.

If an allergy attack, causing a runny nose or nasal
sneezing can use the traditional way of the following:

7 leaves of continued life + 30 grams of fresh bitter boiled with 500
cc of water to the remaining 200 cc, filtered water, drunk warm.

Aloe vera leaves taste peeled and juiced. Drops of juice
aloe vera into the nose as much as 3 drops using a pipette.

Meanwhile, when an allergic attack the skin causing itching
or eczema may be used:

bitter taste fresh taste of fresh turmeric + sulfur +
sufficiently mashed until smooth, then smeared on the skin
affected by allergies.

ketepeng china taste of fresh leaves crushed and rubbed on
the affected skin allergy.

If the allergy attacks the lungs that can lead to asthma

10 + flowers knob 10-15 grams of ginger boiled with 500 cc of water
to the remaining 250 cc, filtered water, drunk warm.

Gotu kola leaves 30 grams + 10 grams of garlic boiled with 500 cc of water
to the remaining 250 cc, filtered water, drunk warm.
Note: You can use either the traditional way at the top and
do regularly 2 times a day, in doing boiling
we recommend using enamel pan or pot soil.

Overcoming Natural Skin Allergies

Overcoming Natural Skin Allergies
Allergy is a disease that makes people want to be away from it. So, what is it allergies? Is actually an allergic reaction caused by the body's rejection of the entry of foreign objects into the body. When an antigen (a substance that is not known) in, the body will immediately enhance immunity to immune cells could work more effectively. Normally, the immune system protects the body from damage caused by foreign objects, either because there are bacteria or toxins that enter. But if the body is an overreaction to a foreign object, then there hipersinsitivitas the form of allergy.

So What Actually Causes Allergies?

White blood cells as the antibodies in our body that serves as the immunity will bend over backwards to protect the body against foreign substances that enter. Well when an antigen enters the body, then all the body tissues will automatically melaukkan a complex process to identify the foreign object. White blood cells then produce specific antibodies against the antigen. Where this antibody works by detecting and destroying the substance that causes the disease. In the allergic reaction, an antibody that acts immunoglobulin E or IgE is. These antibodies are ordered "the mediator" to produce such a substance that can mngurangi levels of chemicals and hormones that have the antigen.

While the causes of allergies include:

    Eating certain types of vaccines and medicines, rubber-based material, aspirin, dust, animal dander, etc..
    Bee stings, fire ant bites, penicillin, nuts. Usually in these cases would be excessive reactions generated and may lead to serious allergic disekujur body.
    Minor cause of the temperature of the hot or cold and excessive levels of emotion. Therefore, if you are allergy sufferers, it is suggested that you are more able to control your emotions in a way jasmine continuously so as to lessen the trigger.

Natural Allergy Treatment

How does treatment for skin allergies naturally, you the reader can choose one of the following recipes. Where natural treatment will be 100% safe because it uses no chemicals at all, and easy way to make it:

Recipe 1

- Prepare a 2-3 pods of tamarind fruit that was old, salt to taste, and 1/2 tablespoons of whiting
- All material is boiled in 3 cups water to boil, until you see the remaining 2 cups.
- Then strain the mixture, and then drink the water from the filter was 2 times a day, every morning and evening.

Recipe 2

- Prepare the six pieces of betel leaf, a piece of yellow ginger, and 1 1/2 tablespoon of eucalyptus oil
- Then tubuk all the above ingredients until smooth texture
- Then apply or gosakan herb on the body that itch known allergies.

Hopefully the above recipes can help you that now it is experiencing this allergy. If you are happy with the article on this please like Facebook, or follow our Twitter, or to subscribe kamii article, please enter your email address to keep updated.

Best Diet Tips

Best Diet Tips
Today, the needs of the body healthy and strong is everyone's dream. The trick is to go on a diet, but not all ways appropriate diet for each person. You alone must decide how best diet for you. Let us consider the following explanation,


A. Think Lifestyle Changes, not Diet

You must change your eating habits permanently if you want to lose weight and keep it. "You are not just changing what you eat for a short time, but for a more lasting effect.," Said Ramona Josephson, an expert from Vancouver Diet and director of website.

Cooking and Eating

2. Watch with pure sugar.

Foods that contain refined sugar is one of the fastest ways to increase the weight of several kilograms. First check drug labels such as dextrose, fructose, corn syrup and maltodextrin, Cross said Huber. We all have our own weaknesses, so if you want gulalah, reduce the use of sugar every time. Kathy Kirton, had been overweight after three pregnancies. He began by eating a chocolate bar every day and the size is continued with a much larger size and then a bar of chocolate contains 100 calories. Only then did he cut down and eventually his weight began to fall.

3. Not All Fats Bad

Most people know that trans fats should be avoided because it increases the bad cholesterol (LDL), reducing the good cholesterol (HDL) and hardened arteries. And lemat should only replace saturated seven to ten percent of your diet. But unsaturated fats, found in foods such as nuts, fish oil, olive oil, is beneficial. "The content of this helps reduce swelling, lower cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular disease," said Jennifer Cross Huber, a dietitian based in Halifax and naturopathic physicians. In addition, the content is also slowing its absorption into the bloodstream, maintaining for a longer fulfill. But do not overdo it. You only need one or two teaspoons of unsaturated fats in your diet.

4. Eat Breakfast

"When you eat breakfast, you keep your metabolism working level. If you do not eat breakfast, your body will see it as a potential famine and your metabolism will decrease the speed," says Josephson.

5. Give Your Body Eat Regularly

To keep your blood sugar levels consistent, eat a balanced meal three times daily and snacks in between meals it separately in a period of more than 5 hours, advice Josephson. This will help prevent you until the next feeding time and become "out of control."

6. Consider What You Put In Your Food

You can just fill your plate with healthy meats such as fish and vegetables, but then destroy your business with menyampurkan much mayonnaise, butter, salad dressing or excessive oil, Josephson warned. Limit the amount you use and think low-fat products are selective, as long as it does not contain a high sugar content.

7. Gather supplies of healthy snacks in your kitchen

Heather Kovensky, which dropped nearly 100 pounds (45 kg) as a teenager and now works as a personal trainer, started eating fruits and vegetables to replace chips and cookies. "Carrots and celery are not pleasant, not too fat tetepi fun," he explained. He also suggested raw almonds, yogurt, cottage cheese or soup.

8. Make Meals Out of Planning

Kirton Sometimes kids want to eat at McDonald's. (His name is also the children ..) Instead of soft drinks, burgers and fries, ordered his children Kirton chicken fajita, salad and water to give green vegetables and protein.

9. Eat smaller portions

Learn how much you really need to eat. Use a small plate or bowl to give a considerable help.

10. Avoid eating too late

Kovensky trying to get his last meal at 7 pm, "When I eat at 8 pm, I realized the portion that I have, I will not eat a big plate of pasta." Why not? If you go to bed, you'll burn fewer calories. People also tend to reach the food that makes it convenient when relaxing in the evening.

11. Drink Water

"I try to drink eight glasses of water every day. Sometimes six, sometimes ten," Greff said. He is drinking water, especially before he reached snack to make sure that he did not just thirsty. If you want to add flavor to bland, try to buy a scented lemon or lime juice, or try a herbal tea.

Mental side

12. Get Eight Hours Sleep

Insufficient sleep affects three hormones associated with weight gain, says Josephson. This can result in a decrease in leptin, a hormone suppress appetite, increase ghrelin, a hormone that maintains a sense of hunger, and raise the stress hormone cortisol, which increase the supply of fatty Stress can also remove the inner side "eaters." So watch out for this .

13. The Emotional Eating.

Get the root of the problem. "Knowing the reason why you react to certain emotions will be membuar different foods in your eating habits change. You want to identify the pay and benefits that you think will you get, the better the taste, and then create the same type of feelings in ways other , "Sugar said.

14. Keep a Food Journal

In the first three months of Kirton keep a food journal, which helped him on the right track on what he eats and maintains he still followed. Even now, if he violated the standards he set, he started another record what she ate to bring it back to the track.

15. Get Support

Sugar calls his clients every day at first and then decrease while the frequency of thought and emotional patterns that are just beginning to awaken. You can also find support from a nutrition coach, a personal trainer, a friend or a community of weight loss on line, Cross said Huber.

16. Hold the gun remains

When one of his relatives tried to push Kirton to take a piece of cake, he replied that he had worked very hard to lose weight and she wanted to respect his decision to family members. If you do not want to make your weight go up, Josephson recommends to answer that you are very satisfied with the meals provided and not able to eat more.

17. If you fall, be sure to Stand Again

Greff lost 11 pounds and then go up another 4.5 kg after Christmas. But instead of giving up, he again evaluate its goals and return to its original purpose. "I remind myself that I would like to have the energy to bring my daughter can walk and carry her. I also want to look beautiful with my old clothes. "

18. Combine Cardio and Weight Training Exercises

"You want to do a combination of Cardio and exercise load of at least three days per week for 45 minutes to 1 hour each session," said Erin Galway, fitness manager and personal trainer at Goodlife Fitness elite, Toronto. For optimum weight loss, you need to exercise bebant (which build healthy muscle and increase metabolism), as well as cardio (which burns calories and improve cardiovascular health and your lungs).

19. Make Distribution

Sometimes you do not seem to find an hour for yourself. Try to exercise at home: use video latiahan, doing exercises with a Theraband resistance exercise and food cans use a barbell. Bagialah your exercise into 10-20 minute chunks throughout the day and you will see results.

20. Challenge Yourself

To overcome the stagnation conditions, remains Challenge yourself. A personal trainer can help, plus Kovensky, because he can change the exercise or increase the load And your equipment properly.

What You Know the Truth Risk of Oral Cancer

What You Know the Truth Risk of Oral Cancer
This new method of early detection has made it possible to prevent abnormal tissue from developing into cancer. Shining a Light on Oral Cancer

The Velscope light is one such tool which utilizes technology which is very similar to that which detects precancerous and cancerous cervical lesions. In fact, this form of cancer is showing up in patients who are younger and younger than the over 40 high risk age group previously defined. Doctors performing a biopsy of abnormal tissue can visualize more precise lesion borders using this technology. Do not ignore warning signs article

Oral Cancer is Deadly

Over 8,000 people die annually from oral and pharyngeal cancer. Most people think that oral-pharyngeal cancer only affects people who smoke or use chewing tobacco. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Have an oral cancer screening performed annually. Normal tissue appears green and possible abnormal tissue appears darkened. Patients who are known carriers of the HPV virus, for example, are encouraged to be screened annually. The Best Way to Prevent Cancer? When detected in the very early stages, the chances of survival increase dramatically. In recent years, much of what we believed about risk factors for oral cancer has been shown to be only a part of the big picture. HPV-Connection

One important factor to consider is that the same virus which has been shown to cause cervical cancer, the HPV-16 (human papilloma virus), also causes oral cancer. In recent years, the early detection of oral cancer and precancerous lesions in the mouth, pharynx and oral tissues has been improved dramatically through the integration of specialized examination tools. Late detection of oral-pharyngeal cancer carries with it a 57% 5-year mortality rate. A specialized light is used to illuminate oral tissue during examination. While traditional lifestyle choices and risk factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption and environmental risks are still considered high risk factors, younger patients with no known lifestyle risks are being diagnosed with this disease. As the deadliest form of head and neck cancer, it is important to know the facts and risk factors associated with this form of cancer. See your dentist regularly. Early Detection Saves Lives

Oral-pharyngeal cancer is so serious because it is often not detected until it has progressed to an advanced stage. Your dentist will perform a visual and tactile oral cancer screening in addition to using one of these tools in order to ensure that you are protected.

Treat Heartburn with Potatoes

Treat Heartburn with Potatoes
Food is often blamed for the onset of ulcers. In fact, if you can limit some of the foods that irritate the stomach, an ulcer will never be up.
Treat Heartburn with Potatoes
Irritation of the stomach can indeed be treated with drugs to reduce the amount of acid. Unfortunately, the drugs may interfere with absorption of iron and folate.
Treat Heartburn with Potatoes
To overcome the problem of heartburn, try to cope with other more healthy foods. Potatoes are believed to provide nutrients that can help relieve acid reflux.

Scientists from Manchester University, England, found a potato contain antibacterial molecules, known as 'potato juice'.
Treat Heartburn with Potatoes
Interestingly, unlike antibiotics, bacteria can not give the fight against the 'potato juice' and do not cause side effects.
Treat Heartburn with Potatoes
"We see the 'potato juice' as a product that can prevent and stop heartburn can get worse, and everyone uses it as part of their lifestyle," said microbiology professor from the Faculty of Life Science, Ian Roberts, quoted by Dailymail (9/8).

Overcome Injuries At Home

Overcome Injuries At Home
All athletes have to deal with a variety of sporting injuries from time to time. No matter how careful they have been in terms of warming up before exerting themselves they will inevitably get injured. Some of these injuries such as bruises, cuts and even broken bones happen because of hard impact or even an awkward effort. Others like strains and ligament damage tend to happen because certain parts of the body are used repeatedly over a very long period of time.

An athlete needs to be able to deal with injuries in the correct manner or else he or she will not be able to perform well. As a matter of fact, incorrect care of sporting injuries has resulted in many athletic careers coming to an untimely end. The following are the most popular ways of dealing with these problems:

1. RICE therapy: This is an acronym for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. In fact, most athletes (and their coaches or caregivers) are experts in these self-care techniques and ensure that the injury gets prompt attention. However, this is only suitable for minor sprains or even for slight damage to muscles or ligaments. Even so, if the problem persists after 48 hours then a doctor's advice should be sought because the pain indicates that the problem is a large one.

2. Non-prescription painkillers: These drugs help to bring down the level of pain and also reduce inflammation of the area. Obviously this too should not be attempted if the injury is severe. Also, the drugs should be non-steroidal in nature.

3. Physiotherapy: A physiotherapist will use a variety of techniques including massage and manipulation to bring the injured part back to fitness.

4. Surgery: There are times when surgery simply cannot be avoided. If the muscles are badly torn or if joints are highly inflamed then surgery will be the only option. Doctors these days offer keyhole surgery which ensures that the patient does not feel a lot of discomfort and also recovers quickly.

5. Alternative therapies: Many athletic coaches recommend the use of massage, heat therapy or ultrasound treatment to help their charges recover quickly from sporting injuries. However, these therapies do not have support from all people.

It is very important for athletes to deal with their sporting injuries promptly and correctly. When it comes to surgery they should always rely on an experienced surgeon who can bring them back to fighting fitness very easily.

Dangers of Gluten, Can Kill You?

 Really not good. Pretty astounding given that most of them are caused by food. Well let's see, besides organ malfunction, pain, weight gain - we also have to think about auto-immune disorders (the word "irreversible" should be ringing loudly in your ear here). Auto-immune disorders now affect almost 24 MILLION Americans. this way when you get "cravings" you'll know they're really "withdrawal symptoms" so you can endure them knowing it will pass. Avoid it NOW and don't wait until it becomes a medical reason to stop eating this stuff. article

Here's a shocking number: 70% of Americans have digestive disorders. I'll be the first to stand up and admit guilt: gluten intolerant, didn't know it, and now I have to live with Celiac Disease for the rest of my life but had I known the signs I could have prevented ever triggering this disease which is irreversible. It might help to know that... The million dollar question is "how do we avoid all these diseases? Irreversible diseases won't (I'll refrain from commenting on the fact that their mega manufacturers did and still do know that fact)

So what else is gluten causing besides Celiac Disease (also called Coeliac Sprue)? Like I said: simple, but not easy for most people to do given our cultures food addictions. " The answer is really simple but not easy for most people to do: avoid gluten and toxic food. Food intolerances are creating havoc with our bodies and most of us are not finding that out until it is too late. And what do digestive disorders lead to? I only wish I had known how dangerous and harmful gluten was 20 years ago. I could go on and on, literally, because there are 300 disorders medically linked to gluten. Your immune system weakens and guess what: you become susceptible to every disease under the sun - not good. Did I mention gluten is chemically addictive by nature? Try:

-Obesity (hyper-thyroidism)
-Depression (gut imbalance creates neurological disorders)
-ADHD (reacting to gluten like an excite-toxin and usually put on medication unnecessarily)
-Autism (same intolerant reactions as ADHD but amplified)
-MS (nerve damage when intolerance is undetected and person continues eating it)
- Arthritis (inflammation caused by gluten affects exponentially MORE people than those who have the genetic disposition for Celiac Disease)
-Joint pain, bone pain, back pain, headaches, and everything else that happens with inflammatory reactions to gluten... And it WILL pass.

The Best Way Cure Dandruff

The Best Way Cure Dandruff
But exactly how this happens might well be a function of the foods we eat, says Klapper. 3 grams of omega-3s
Chinook salmon: 4 ounces has 2 grams of omega-3s
Soybeans, navy beans and kidney beans: 1 cup has 0. 0 gram of omega-3s
Halibut: 4 ounces has 0. The omega-3 oils in many plant foods are less inflammatory than the pro-inflammatory arachidonic acid found in animal fats --another factor that may make vegans less prone to itchy, inflamed skin that often accompanies dandruff. says Klapper. 1 gram of omega-3s
Kale: 4 ounces has 0. I believe that there may be at least two biochemical mechanisms that could explain this observation,? he notes. [These] observations and speculations are my own conclusions drawn from clinical experience,? 4 gram of omega-3s
Winter squash: 1 ounce has 0. , director of the Institute of Nutrition Education and Research and a member of the Nutrition Task Force of the American Medical Student Association. s addressing the very common condition of natural but excessive shedding of skin, a universal human experience that happens by varying degrees among individuals. Excessive itching and flaking of skin in the scalp is usually not due to the wrong shampoo. 2 gram of omega-3s

Spinach: 4 ounces has 0. re younger, slower as you age). Additionally, Weil recommends freshly ground flaxseed, plus fish oils in pill form or from the cold-water fish such as sardines, wild Alaska salmon, herring, anchovies and mackerel. Klapper isn? He explains that in his practice he? t discussing fungal or bacteriological infections, such as folliculitis (inflammation of the hair follicles), eczema, dermatitis or several other skin conditions described in this article on HairLoss. he says, adding,? com), whose popular online health advice website popularizes a blend of preventive and treatment-oriented health care, encourages people with dandruff to supplement their diets with foods high in gamma-linolenic acid, or GLA, which is sourced from evening primrose oil, black currant oil and borage oil. 6 gram of omega-3s
Tuna: 4 ounces has 0. So while Klapper is careful to qualify that these are his clinical observations, he? s far from alone in making these claims. oily skin? When dietary fat causes dandruff

What specific dietary factors are involved? ve been sold a bill of goods on dandruff. The problem is that modern farming methods and Western food culture have skewed the omega-6 intake to disproportionately overwhelm that of the omega-3. Plant oils are generally less viscous than animal fats. It has been my experience over 30 years of nutritional counseling that numerous people, myself included, notice that their dandruff situation improves significantly after adopting a whole-foods, vegan diet,? sees oily skin on vegans. The second mechanism is the balance of omega-3 to omega-6 oils, the former found in plants and fish and the latter in animal fats. 2 to 1. Note that GLA is technically an omega-6, but only a small quantity is required. Dr. 1 gram of omega-3s
Dandelion greens: 4 ounces has 0. virtually never? How to eat omega-3s (and avoid omega-6s) to reduce dandruff

The foods highest in omega-6 fatty acids are impossible to avoid altogether and indeed play a role in human nutrition. 1 gram of omega-3s

Shampoos may work to temporarily rid your scalp of dandruff, but if your diet remains heavy in factory-farmed meats but low in omega-3-rich plants, nuts and fish, you might be fighting itchy, scaly dandruff for years into the future. Andrew Weil (www. The less viscous plant oils may be less prone to dry and flake on the skin surface, thus less likely to contribute to dandruff shedding. 1 gram of omega-3s
Collard greens: 4 ounces has 0. according to Michael Klapper, M. He? How is this different for carnivores? Both mechanisms relate to the types of fat one consumes. All skin, from head to toe, sheds and is replaced every two to four weeks (faster when you? Why? My dermatologic patients over the years who complain of? For example, most beef, pork, chicken and eggs are from animals fed grain, which was not their feed a century or longer ago. are overwhelmingly flesh-eaters,? com. DrWeil. But his observations are echoed elsewhere by reputable, credentialed sources. D. When cattle grazed naturally, the nutrients from leafy, green plants led to both lower fat levels and two to four times the concentration of omega-3 fatty acids in beef. Only pasture-raised, grass-fed cows, pigs and chickens (which outside of cages can absorb sunlight to increase vitamin D levels as well) contain an optimal, natural omega-6/omega-3 balance. Other foods high in omega-6s are animal organs and farm-raised catfish and tilapia, the latter two owing to feeds used to raise fish. articleMore omega-3 and less omega-6 in the diet reduces dandruff. The root cause of dandruff is inside you, beginning with what you eat. Given that so much of what we eat is larded up with omega-6, arachidonic acids, the following foods can help restore the balance -- and perhaps help you beat dandruff:

Flaxseed (crushed): 2 ounces has 7 grams of omega-3s
Extra virgin olive oil: 2 ounces has 7 grams of omega-3s
Walnuts: 2 ounces has 2. To be clear, Dr. I have not encountered scientific studies to confirm the proposed mechanisms. As most foods naturally high in omega-3s are healthy for a host of reasons, allow that to be your additional incentive to fight dandruff with diet Free_Treatment_Inset_Promo

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