Are there could Durability Easy Recipes From Food?

Are there could Durability Easy Recipes From Food?
Certain types of food can make us stay young, of the type of food should be sustainable and should not be consumed excessively. some food from the article is written in RealBuzz.

Green tea
Super drink this one was not going to run out the benefits. Green tea has many benefits that make it tops the list of foods that keep you young. Hijauh tea could help blood pressure is believed to be a regular, lower blood sugar levels, boost the immune system, lowers cholesterol and some studies even showed that green tea is effective in preventing cancer. That's like the most efficacious drug that you can get.

Eating spinach is not going to turn you into Popeye, but the vegetables were very good to boost immunity from disease. Spinach and other green leafy vegetables like kale (a type of cabbage) and mustard greens contain folate is vital to prevent damage to DNA and blood vessels. If you can maintain the health of the blood circulation system, you reduce your risk of diseases such as high blood pressure, chronic diabetes, kidney disease and madness.

Dark chocolate
Who would have thought of this sweet food in the list of foods that can make the young? The good news, chocolate can help fight the signs of aging because the content of cocoa. Cocoa is rich in antioxidants called flavonoids which help keep the blood vessel function in order to stay healthy.

A healthy circulatory system reduces the risk of high blood pressure, chronic diabetes, kidney disease and madness. Do not eat too much. A piece of chocolate a day to maintain good health and make sure you eat a cocoa content of more than 70 percent.

Soy products
Such as fish, soy products like tofu are also a source of excellent protein alternative in addition to meat or dairy, because it has little saturated fat content or even none at all. Foods that are low in saturated fat will reduce your risk of heart attack and lowering blood pressure. Very good soy products help lower cholesterol and a useful addition to a healthy diet.

View of the proliferation of bad news this creature, you may assume that all forms of bacteria will damage your health. Fortunately, it is far from true. "Good" bacteria are very good for keeping your immune system, by increasing the antibody and prevent pathogenic organisms such as Salmonella and E. coli.

Many yogurt products contain a lot of good bacteria that help maintain intestinal health and reduces the risk of bowel disease associated with age. Yogurt is also rich in calcium, which can help prevent osteoporosis.

Red wine
One glass of red wine increases levels of both elements antiaging antioxidants, including polyphenols, minerals, and resveratrol (a polyphenolic compound found in plants and used in the medical field).

Resveratrol helps increase levels of good cholesterol in the body and prevents blood clots and keeping the circulatory system stay healthy. Resveratrol contained in red wine is also beneficial for women during menopause to reduce the risk of diseases like breast cancer and osteoporosis due to estrogen level berkuranganya.

Like chocolate, do not eat too much red wine. We recommend taking one glass of red wine every day.

Few people - active or not - who consume enough water, but just a little dehydrated can cause side effects such as headaches, fatigue, and low concentration levels.

Increasing fluid intake can increase energy levels, helps digestion, healthy skin and makes you young. Make sure you consume the water in small amounts but often every day, make sure you are extra vigilant after a workout or after you are in a dry environment, so the heat or air-conditioned environment.
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