Prevention of Cervical Cancer

Prevention of Cervical Cancer
Ways to Prevent Cervical Cancer
Many ways, for example, not too frequent washing the vagina with an antiseptic, especially without any indication and doctor's advice. Do not also sprinkled talc in the vagina. It could also be a low-fat diet. Wow! Fear is immediately pictured when I heard the word cancer of the uterus. We know this malignant disease was ranked as the carrier for death. But, do not worry if you've been doing since the beginning of prevention. Because of it, according to dr. Nasdaldy, SpOG,, prevention becomes the most important part of the risk of cancer. "The way to prevent exposure to substances that cause the risk of these cancers," he said. What happened here on the contrary, many women are reluctant to see her gynecologist, despite already having a variety of complaints. In fact, if left unchecked will further mengganas cancer! So, we follow some tips to prevent cervical cancer yan g presented an expert in obstetrics and gynecology of Darmais Cancer Hospital, Jakarta.

1. Avoid Cigarettes

This is the most important reminder for women smokers. Unless the cause of disease in the lungs and heart, the content of nicotine in cigarettes can cause cervical cancer (cervical), you know. "Nicotine, right, makes all the mucous membranes of the body's cells react or become aroused, either in the throat mucosa, lung, cervix too." Unfortunately not known exactly how much the amount of nicotine consumed which can cause cervical cancer. But why take the risk, better leave right away cigarettes if we want to be free of cancer.


Often, right, we do wash the vagina with antiseptic drugs given. The reason is different, whether for "cosmetic" or health. In fact, the habit of washing the vagina can cause cervical cancer, both drugs antiseptic vaginal wash and deodorant. "Douching or washing the vagina cause irritation of the cervix. Well, excessive irritation and too often will stimulate the cell changes, which eventually become cancerous." Thus, we recommend washing the vagina with the chemicals is not done routinely. "Except when indicated, for example, an infection that does need cleaning with chemicals.
That was supposed to be on the advice of a doctor. "That means we do not carelessly buy drugs vaginal washing." What's more, these cleaners will generally kill the germs. Including bacteria in the vagina Basillus doderlain which produces lactic acid to maintain the pH of the vagina. "We know, when pH balanced baseball again in the vagina, then other bacteria, such as fungi and bacteria, may have a chance to live in that place. It's not you, can actually cause other diseases.

3. Sprinkle TALK

That often occur again, when the vaginal area itchy or red-red, we scattered in the surrounding talk. Dear, it's dangerous. The use of talc in the vagina of women of childbearing age can trigger occurs ovarian cancer (ovarian). "Because the child-bearing age means frequent ovulation. And b! Isa confirmed when ovulation occurs in ovarian injury. Well, if the incoming particles will stick to talk over the wound. As a result, right, can stimulate the wound to be changing the nature of cancer." Because it is not advisable to give talk in the vaginal area. Because it was feared the powder is absorbed into the talk.
Long will be piled up and settles into a foreign matter that could lead to stimulation of the cells to become cancerous.


Important note, the incidence of cancer was closely related to one's diet. Women who consume lots of fat will be far greater risk of developing endometrial cancer (uterine body). "Because the fat produces the hormone estrogen. While the endometrium is exposed to the hormone estrogen often volatile nature of a cancer." So, bright Nasdaldy, to help prevent endometrial cancer, should avoid eating high fat foods. "Eat healthy and fresh. Do not forget to maintain ideal body weight so as not to be too fat." Not surprisingly, when the endometrial cancer patients is widely available in major cities of developed countries. Therefore, they generally adhere to a diet high in fat.


Lifestyle also consume foods high in fat would make people forget about other nutrients, such as beta carotene, vitamin C, and folic acid. In fact, all three nutrient deficiencies can cause cervical cancer arise. "Beta carotene, vi! Tamin C, and folic acid can improve or strengthen the mucosal diserviks. Well, if the lack of nutrients that would facilitate the stimulation of mucosal cells into cancer earlier."
There are lots of beta carotene in carrots, vitamin C found in orange fruits, whereas folic acid found in seafood.


Sexual intercourse should ideally be done after a woman is completely cooked. The size of maturity is not only seen it already menstruating or not, lo. But it also depends on the maturity of mucosal cells; diselaput skin contained inside the body cavity. Generally, new mucosal cells mature after the woman aged 20 years and over. So, a woman having sex in adolescence; most vulnerable when it's done under the age of 16.
This relates to the maturity of mucosal cells in the cervix of the woman. "At a young age, the mucosal cells of the cervix is ​​not yet mature. That is, it is still susceptible to stimuli that are not ready to receive stimuli from the outside. Include chemicals that carry sperm." Another thing to do at the time when sex was above the age of 20 years, in which the mucosal cells no longer so susceptible to change. Well, because it is still vulnerable, mucosal cells can turn into cancer properties. "The nature of the cell, right, is always changing every moment; die and grow again. Because no stimulation, the cells could grow more than the dead cells, so the change is not balanced anymore. Advantage of these cells could eventually change the nature of a cancer cell."

7. Multiple partners

Cervical cancer can also appear in women who have multiple sex partners. "When you have sex only with their partner, and her partner did not have sex with someone else, then it will not lead to cervical cancer." If multiple partners, it is associated with the possibility of contracting venereal disease, one of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). "This virus will transform cells in the mucosal surface to split into more. Well, when too much and not according to need, it will become cancerous."


In contrast women who marry late or not even be at risk of developing ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer. Therefore, the class of women will ovulate continuously without pause. "So, stimulation of the endometrium was persistent. Result could make the cells in the endometrium so changed the nature of cancer."

The same risk would be faced by married women who do not want to have children. Because he was going to ovulate constantly. "When the first period occurred under the age of 12, the exposure means ovulation will become longer. Thus, the possibility of ovarian terkenakanker will be even greater."
Well, one of the prevention efforts of the married and pregnant. Or it could be done by taking birth control pills.
Because the use of birth control pills will narrow the chances of ovulation. "When the age of 15 years to 45 years he continued ovulation, then 10 years he was the family planning program, the ovulation period is shorter than continuous, right?" The results showed the use of birth control pills as contraceptives may decrease the incidence of ovarian cancer by 50 percent.


The same risk would occur in women with late menopause. "Since the stimulation of the endometrium will be longer, so it will be more frequently exposed endometriumnya estrogen. So, it's possible cervical cancer." No wonder that women who use estrogen are very susceptible to uncontrolled cancer. "Generally, women who had menopause in developed countries using estrogen to prevent osteroporosis and heart attacks." However, its use is very risky because estrogen stimulates the endometrium thickened wall and stimulate cells of the endometrium so that the transformed nature into cancer. "So, you should use estrogen for the supervision of a doctor should also be given to substances antinya well, so it does not develop into cancer."
Well, it turns out that many things can be done so as not to "invite" the cancer came into our bodies. Of course we can start from small things. Do not wait until tomorrow!
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