Dangers of Gluten, Can Kill You?

 Really not good. Pretty astounding given that most of them are caused by food. Well let's see, besides organ malfunction, pain, weight gain - we also have to think about auto-immune disorders (the word "irreversible" should be ringing loudly in your ear here). Auto-immune disorders now affect almost 24 MILLION Americans. this way when you get "cravings" you'll know they're really "withdrawal symptoms" so you can endure them knowing it will pass. Avoid it NOW and don't wait until it becomes a medical reason to stop eating this stuff. article

Here's a shocking number: 70% of Americans have digestive disorders. I'll be the first to stand up and admit guilt: gluten intolerant, didn't know it, and now I have to live with Celiac Disease for the rest of my life but had I known the signs I could have prevented ever triggering this disease which is irreversible. It might help to know that... The million dollar question is "how do we avoid all these diseases? Irreversible diseases won't (I'll refrain from commenting on the fact that their mega manufacturers did and still do know that fact)

So what else is gluten causing besides Celiac Disease (also called Coeliac Sprue)? Like I said: simple, but not easy for most people to do given our cultures food addictions. " The answer is really simple but not easy for most people to do: avoid gluten and toxic food. Food intolerances are creating havoc with our bodies and most of us are not finding that out until it is too late. And what do digestive disorders lead to? I only wish I had known how dangerous and harmful gluten was 20 years ago. I could go on and on, literally, because there are 300 disorders medically linked to gluten. Your immune system weakens and guess what: you become susceptible to every disease under the sun - not good. Did I mention gluten is chemically addictive by nature? Try:

-Obesity (hyper-thyroidism)
-Depression (gut imbalance creates neurological disorders)
-ADHD (reacting to gluten like an excite-toxin and usually put on medication unnecessarily)
-Autism (same intolerant reactions as ADHD but amplified)
-MS (nerve damage when intolerance is undetected and person continues eating it)
- Arthritis (inflammation caused by gluten affects exponentially MORE people than those who have the genetic disposition for Celiac Disease)
-Joint pain, bone pain, back pain, headaches, and everything else that happens with inflammatory reactions to gluten... And it WILL pass.
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