Best Diet Tips

Best Diet Tips
Today, the needs of the body healthy and strong is everyone's dream. The trick is to go on a diet, but not all ways appropriate diet for each person. You alone must decide how best diet for you. Let us consider the following explanation,


A. Think Lifestyle Changes, not Diet

You must change your eating habits permanently if you want to lose weight and keep it. "You are not just changing what you eat for a short time, but for a more lasting effect.," Said Ramona Josephson, an expert from Vancouver Diet and director of website.

Cooking and Eating

2. Watch with pure sugar.

Foods that contain refined sugar is one of the fastest ways to increase the weight of several kilograms. First check drug labels such as dextrose, fructose, corn syrup and maltodextrin, Cross said Huber. We all have our own weaknesses, so if you want gulalah, reduce the use of sugar every time. Kathy Kirton, had been overweight after three pregnancies. He began by eating a chocolate bar every day and the size is continued with a much larger size and then a bar of chocolate contains 100 calories. Only then did he cut down and eventually his weight began to fall.

3. Not All Fats Bad

Most people know that trans fats should be avoided because it increases the bad cholesterol (LDL), reducing the good cholesterol (HDL) and hardened arteries. And lemat should only replace saturated seven to ten percent of your diet. But unsaturated fats, found in foods such as nuts, fish oil, olive oil, is beneficial. "The content of this helps reduce swelling, lower cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular disease," said Jennifer Cross Huber, a dietitian based in Halifax and naturopathic physicians. In addition, the content is also slowing its absorption into the bloodstream, maintaining for a longer fulfill. But do not overdo it. You only need one or two teaspoons of unsaturated fats in your diet.

4. Eat Breakfast

"When you eat breakfast, you keep your metabolism working level. If you do not eat breakfast, your body will see it as a potential famine and your metabolism will decrease the speed," says Josephson.

5. Give Your Body Eat Regularly

To keep your blood sugar levels consistent, eat a balanced meal three times daily and snacks in between meals it separately in a period of more than 5 hours, advice Josephson. This will help prevent you until the next feeding time and become "out of control."

6. Consider What You Put In Your Food

You can just fill your plate with healthy meats such as fish and vegetables, but then destroy your business with menyampurkan much mayonnaise, butter, salad dressing or excessive oil, Josephson warned. Limit the amount you use and think low-fat products are selective, as long as it does not contain a high sugar content.

7. Gather supplies of healthy snacks in your kitchen

Heather Kovensky, which dropped nearly 100 pounds (45 kg) as a teenager and now works as a personal trainer, started eating fruits and vegetables to replace chips and cookies. "Carrots and celery are not pleasant, not too fat tetepi fun," he explained. He also suggested raw almonds, yogurt, cottage cheese or soup.

8. Make Meals Out of Planning

Kirton Sometimes kids want to eat at McDonald's. (His name is also the children ..) Instead of soft drinks, burgers and fries, ordered his children Kirton chicken fajita, salad and water to give green vegetables and protein.

9. Eat smaller portions

Learn how much you really need to eat. Use a small plate or bowl to give a considerable help.

10. Avoid eating too late

Kovensky trying to get his last meal at 7 pm, "When I eat at 8 pm, I realized the portion that I have, I will not eat a big plate of pasta." Why not? If you go to bed, you'll burn fewer calories. People also tend to reach the food that makes it convenient when relaxing in the evening.

11. Drink Water

"I try to drink eight glasses of water every day. Sometimes six, sometimes ten," Greff said. He is drinking water, especially before he reached snack to make sure that he did not just thirsty. If you want to add flavor to bland, try to buy a scented lemon or lime juice, or try a herbal tea.

Mental side

12. Get Eight Hours Sleep

Insufficient sleep affects three hormones associated with weight gain, says Josephson. This can result in a decrease in leptin, a hormone suppress appetite, increase ghrelin, a hormone that maintains a sense of hunger, and raise the stress hormone cortisol, which increase the supply of fatty Stress can also remove the inner side "eaters." So watch out for this .

13. The Emotional Eating.

Get the root of the problem. "Knowing the reason why you react to certain emotions will be membuar different foods in your eating habits change. You want to identify the pay and benefits that you think will you get, the better the taste, and then create the same type of feelings in ways other , "Sugar said.

14. Keep a Food Journal

In the first three months of Kirton keep a food journal, which helped him on the right track on what he eats and maintains he still followed. Even now, if he violated the standards he set, he started another record what she ate to bring it back to the track.

15. Get Support

Sugar calls his clients every day at first and then decrease while the frequency of thought and emotional patterns that are just beginning to awaken. You can also find support from a nutrition coach, a personal trainer, a friend or a community of weight loss on line, Cross said Huber.

16. Hold the gun remains

When one of his relatives tried to push Kirton to take a piece of cake, he replied that he had worked very hard to lose weight and she wanted to respect his decision to family members. If you do not want to make your weight go up, Josephson recommends to answer that you are very satisfied with the meals provided and not able to eat more.

17. If you fall, be sure to Stand Again

Greff lost 11 pounds and then go up another 4.5 kg after Christmas. But instead of giving up, he again evaluate its goals and return to its original purpose. "I remind myself that I would like to have the energy to bring my daughter can walk and carry her. I also want to look beautiful with my old clothes. "

18. Combine Cardio and Weight Training Exercises

"You want to do a combination of Cardio and exercise load of at least three days per week for 45 minutes to 1 hour each session," said Erin Galway, fitness manager and personal trainer at Goodlife Fitness elite, Toronto. For optimum weight loss, you need to exercise bebant (which build healthy muscle and increase metabolism), as well as cardio (which burns calories and improve cardiovascular health and your lungs).

19. Make Distribution

Sometimes you do not seem to find an hour for yourself. Try to exercise at home: use video latiahan, doing exercises with a Theraband resistance exercise and food cans use a barbell. Bagialah your exercise into 10-20 minute chunks throughout the day and you will see results.

20. Challenge Yourself

To overcome the stagnation conditions, remains Challenge yourself. A personal trainer can help, plus Kovensky, because he can change the exercise or increase the load And your equipment properly.
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